
Situated at the intersection of the Humanities and STEM, the HAT Lab will build-out existing collaborative relationships between the School of Interdisciplinary Studies, the School of Engineering Education, the School of Design, Art, and Performance, the Honors College, and the College of Engineering’s Innovation and Leadership Studies Program at Purdue University.

The HAT Lab will explore and experiment with new teaching modules, possible degree programs, and a new project-based course: DISCO STEM + Humanities Technoscience, that will offer a more hands-on technology-based experience than Michigan’s DIGITAL 201 developed by Nakamura.

The HAT Lab will work closely with Purdue’s professional schools to develop new opportunities for STEM and humanities students and researchers to address digital inequality. These projects will be shared during network meetings and become part of the DISCO archive of teaching materials along with the DIGITAL 201 course materials.